TCFD Disclosure TCFD Disclosure

Disclosure Policy

 Our company formulated the Basic Policy for Sustainability in December 2021. We are promoting eco-friendly management and working on reducing environmental burden through our business activities. We will not make do only with measures against risks, but will also seek new business opportunities regarding these environmental issues.
 Also, towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, we will be engaged in reducing environmental burden based on the latest technological trends by further deepening our understanding of environmental issues.
 We are targeting the reduction of CO2 emission by 46% in FY2030 compared to FY2013.

 The Basic Policy for Sustainability and the Medium- to Long-Term Management Plan of our company clearly show our recognition of problems that serves as the basis of environmental efforts including measures against climate change, specific actions taken, and attitude to tackle the issue of climate changes towards realizing decarbonized society. Initiatives shown are put into practice throughout the entire group.

Medium- to Long-Term Management Plan

 In addition to efforts against climate change, we recognize the importance of the disclosure of climate-related financial information, express association with the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures), and discuss and take measures regarding the disclosed items recommended by the TCFD (governance, strategy, risk management, indicator/target) and disclose information.


 Our company recognizes dealing with climate change as an important issue for management, and established a governance system centering around supervision by the Board of Directors and the Sustainability Promotion Council (chaired by Toshiaki Norita, President and Executive Officer).

ーMatters related to climate change are discussed by the Sustainability Promotion Council, chaired by the president, who is the coordinator of matters related to climate change.
ーThe Sustainability Promotion Council will discuss the progress made in management of key performance indicators (KPIs) during the period of the Medium- to Long-Term Management Plan and the policy and strategy for minimizing climate change risks and seizing opportunities.
ーThe board of directors receives a report on risks and opportunities regarding climate change at least once a year from the Sustainability Promotion Council, and supervises efforts regarding issues.


 We are discussing the strategy as follows, by analyzing the impact of risks and opportunities on the company's strategy through climate change scenarios, with the aim of achieving continuous growth while making efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate changes through our business activities, recognizing that countermeasures against climate change are key issues for business management.

ーRisks and opportunities for short, medium, and long-term included in the Medium- to Long-Term Management Plan (2022-2028) will be discussed.
ーThe degree of the impact of risks and opportunities of climate change on the balance sheet and finance of the company is analyzed and evaluated.
ーRegarding the risks and opportunities of climate change, mitigation and adaption to climate change will be analyzed and evaluated based on the 2 degrees-scenario recommended by the TCFD.

Risks and opportunities of climate change

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Major impacts on the finance of our company based on the 2 degrees-scenario are analyzed as follows.

①Repair expenses accompanied with typhoons and heavy rains are analyzed by referring to the damage amount caused by typhoons in the past. It is evaluated that financial impact is small according to the estimate on the premise of the ratio of the occurrence of phenomenon under the 2 degrees-scenario.
②Regarding sea level rise, it is evaluated that the risk will be lowered in the future with the elevation of the ground of Haneda Airport 1-Chome area, planned by the Civil Aviation Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
③As for the area heating and cooling business, sales amount and CO2 emission with temperature rise were estimated. It is evaluated that impact on both income and CO2 emission is small, because while the sales of cooling increase, the sales of heating decrease with temperature rise.
 In addition to above, although there are also some uncertain factors such as taxation burden on CO2 emission in the future, it is evaluated that there is no significant impact of climate change on the company's finance in general. On the other hand, there are various business opportunities related to airport decarbonization. The Medium- to Long-Term Management Plan places efforts on environmental business as one of the issues to be considered for the creation of new businesses toward future prosperity.

Risk management

 Matters related to climate change are discussed and managed by the Sustainability Promotion Council, chaired by the president, under the supervision of the board of directors.

ーSustainability Promotion Council discusses the impact of climate change and measures taken against it, and promotes measures such as formulating policies and strategies for minimizing identified risks and reflecting them in plans, budget, and goals.
ーSustainability Promotion Department serves as a secretariat for the Sustainability Promotion Council on matters related to climate change, and implements liaison and coordination among departments and promotes company-wide measures taken against climate change.
ーThe board of directors receives a report from the Sustainability Promotion Council, and supervises risks regarding climate change.

Indicators and targets

 Our company aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 46% in FY2030 compared to FY2013 based on the governmental policy, in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

ーThe progress regarding risks and opportunities of climate change is managed, such as reviewing key performance indicators (KPI) in the Medium- to Long-Term Management Plan against actual achievements.
ーSupply chain emission is monitored and relevant risks and opportunities are identified.

Efforts based on the medium- to long-term environmental business, ESG, and materiality

Items to be addressed KPI during the Medium- to Long-Term
Management Plan period
Targeting to reduce CO2
emission by 46% in FY2030
compared to FY2013 based on
the governmental policy
・100% renewing of the LED lightings in major facilities
(scheduled to be completed in FY2023)

・Renewal to high-efficiency equipment and devices
(scheduled to be completed in FY2023)

・Realization of ZEB in new facilities and the introduction
of the latest energy-saving equipment

・Further development of the utilization of photovoltaic
power generation and renewable energy

・Considering environmental business utilizing next-generation
technologies (introduction of EV and FCV for forklifts, etc.)

・Achieving 100% ratio of eco-cars and installing recharging facilities
for electric vehicles in major facilities

Supply chain (CO2) emission of AFC Group in FY2020


Scope1 24,075
Scope2 260
Scope3 48,418
Emission Scope3 is the count of emission throughout the entire supply chain, from the procurement of raw materials to sales/consumption.
Supply chain (CO2) emission of AFC Group is calculated for facilities that are covered by the Act on Rationalizing Energy Use. (Amount of purchase related to electricity, gas, and petroleum)
※Shareholding ratio of 60.32% is accounted for Tokyo Airport Heating & Cooling Co., Ltd.

Supply Chain in Our Company

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